Connecsy | Cloud™ orderdesk

order your Connecsy | Cloud™ solution below
The desktop client is easy to install on your computer. The cloud platform such as Azure or AWS needs some pre-configuration. But after this is done, you can easily deploy it on endpoints. Request a quote or consult right away!
Easy to deploy
User friendly interface
Queue management
Chat features
One glance presence
Available anytime, anywhere. Do you have a need for flexibility? Then our web client is the best solution for you! Your employees can easily handle all business communication directly from their web browser.
Always available
Web based client
All cloud features available
Suitable for smartphones
Online profile accounts
Connecsy Enterprise is the result of very close cooperation between users, such as receptionists, and our developers with their knowledge of modern communication capabilities.
Univerge Blue
Enterprise features
Multi-platform integration
Tailor-made functionality