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Interview at MSP Cafe

At the MSP Café, our CEO Johan van Oostveen was interviewed by Richard Bordes, about the changing world in terms of communication and what role Pridis has in it. We see that nowadays staff is using more applications to communicate like Zoom, MS Teams, Whatsapp Business, and suchlike. In addition, the shift to the cloud has been going on for years now. How does the old world of communications merge with the new and will traditional hardware continue to exist for the foreseeable future? Johan van Oostveen shares his story about the history of Pridis, where they come from and that there have been many collaborations with Avaya and Unify in the past. What role does RingCentral play nowadays in this story?

We see that RingCentral has partnered with Avaya, ATOS Unify and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, where RingCentral's cloud service will be offered through these parties in the partner channel. Johan gives the example that many governments still have traditional hardware, such as phones and PBXs that will not be written off for the time being. On the front-end, these governments would like to work with an MSP and on the back-end, you see that desktop applications such as MS Teams, Zoom and other UC solutions are popular. When all these facets of communication need to be interconnected... that's when Pridis comes in to play!

With our Connecsy | Cloud™ solutions, we not only integrate Avaya Cloud Office, ATOS Unify Office and Rainbow Office within our operator console, but also MS Teams, Whatsapp Business, CRM/ERP, social media, chat, email and other video/voice solutions. Check out the full interview and contact us for advice, or for more information!